ICHARS Suppport Foundation

Activities from June 2019 to Jan 2020

In the two and half months since its incorporation, the ICHARS Support Foundation has been actively initiating multiple non-profit activities. These activities focusing on not just creating awareness about mental health but also helping and supporting the mental health providers.
Activities Organised:

You can click on the activity title to get more details about what was covered during the same.

No. Activity Audience Place Date Resource People
1 Clinical Assessment Young Adults Tarun Sadan 27th June, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Janhavi Kelaskar
2 Self-Awareness Young Adults Tarun Sadan 4th July, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Janhavi Kelaskar
3 Self-Awareness Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 5th July, 2019 Isha Sawant, Janhavi Kelaskar, Pranjul Somani
4 Understanding the obstacles Young Adults Tarun Sadan 11th July, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Janhavi Kelaskar
5 Emotional Management Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 12th July, 2019 Isha Sawant, Janhavi Kelaskar, Pranjul Somani
6 Thought Management Young Adults Tarun Sadan 18th July, 2019 Pranjul Somani
7 Thought Management Young Adults Tarun Sadan 25th July, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Janhavi Kelaskar
8 Thought Management Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 26th July, 2019 Isha Sawant, Janhavi Kelaskar, Pranjul Somani
9 Communication Young Adults Tarun Sadan 1st August, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Janhavi Kelaskar
10 Communication Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 2nd August, 2019 Isha Sawant, Pranjul Somani
11 Revision of all topics already taken Young Adults Tarun Sadan 8th August, 2019 Pranjul Somani
12 Monetary Handling Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 9th August, 2019 Isha Sawant, Janhavi Kelaskar, Pranjul Somani, Arshiya Qazi
13 Repeat Session of what was covered till date Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 27th September, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Rupali Shingade, Gunjan Dalal
14 Anger Management Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 4th October, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Arshiya Qazi, Rupali Shingade
15 Anger Management Continuation Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 11th October, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Arshiya Qazi, Rupali Shingade
16 Rules Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 8th November, 2019 Arshiya Qazi, Dhwani
17 Motivation Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 22nd November, 2019 Rupali Shingade, Arshiya Qazi, Shreya Hitesh Vyas
18 Personality Development Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 6th December, 2019 Rupali Shingade, Arshiya Qazi, Shreya Hitesh Vyas
19 Perception, Illusion, Rules & Communication Teenagers Awami Girls School 7th December, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Arshiya Qazi, Rupali Shingade, Shreya Hitesh Vyas
20 Team Building Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 13th December, 2019 Pranjul Somani, Rupali Shingade, Shreya Hitesh Vyas
21 Personal Hygiene Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 27 th Decemeber 2019 Pranjul Somani, Shreya Hitesh Vyas
22 Time Management Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 3 rd january 2020 Rupali Shingade, Shreya Hitesh Vyas
23 Skills and Attitude Teenagers St. Catherine Orphanage Home 10th January, 2020 Rupali Shingade, Shreya Hitesh Vyas

In the coming months we plan to organise a larger volunteer network, conduct a lot more activities and also tie up with existing NGO’s working in the area of mental health. If you would like to connect with us for more details about our current activities and future plans, do feel free to call us on 8080208473 or send us an email on [email protected] Talk on Emotional eating