Below are the activity report which is organized by ICHARS Support Foundation under VISIT MHP initiative.

Antarang Foundation – Seminar on Mental Health Awareness
Interesting and interactive sessions for children & teenagers were conducted focusing on creating awareness on mental health.
The Topics covered:
● Importance of Mental Health
● Communication Skills
● Emotional Quotient
● Memory Techniques
● Puberty and personal hygiene
● Nurturing the nature
● Stress management
● Attitude Management
No of beneficiaries – 50
St. Catherine Girls Home – 6 Months Project

It was a six-month project done with the girls of St. Catherine falling under 13 to 17 years of age.
The Topics covered:
● Self-Awareness
● Emotional Management
● Thought Management
● Communication
● Monetary Handling
● Anger Management
● Anger Management Continuation
● Rules
● Motivation
● Personality Development
● Team Building
● Personal Hygiene
● Time Management
● Skills and Attitude
● Assertiveness
No of beneficiaries – 50
Anjuman Islam Orphanage – Seminar on Emotional Awareness & Exam Stress
This seminar included all the aspects of emotion from the identification of emotion to
managing them. This topic ensures that the emotional quotient is equally important as an intelligent quotient. Also, helping them with the stress related to the exam. This aim will be achieved by making them understand how they can schedule better according to the priority of the daily tasks.
The Topics covered:
● Lifestyle management
● Time management
● Exploring stress management techniques
● Understanding emotions
● Complex emotions
● Effects of emotions on stress
No of beneficiaries – 30
Anjuman Islam Orphanage – Communication & Physical Fitness Workshop
It was done to help the students of Anjuman Islam to improve their communication in a way that is both effective and receptive. It assisted them in understanding themselves and fellow others better. Having said that, the workshop also focused on the importance of physical fitness and how better physical fitness is related to effective communication.
● Understanding different aspects of communication
● Verbal / Non-Verbal communication
● Getting other’s point of view
● Relation of communication with fitness.
No of beneficiaries – 30
Above is the activity reports of workshops held in NGO’s.

Posha Nakhwa School – Seminar on Enhancing Memory by Managing Emotions
In this session, they were helped in improving memory with activities and techniques to remember more efficiently. Also, how to deal with anxiety during exams and blank-outs. This topic gave a lot of memory techniques to help students remember better. A variety of activities will be incorporated into this seminar.
● Mind Mapping
● Techniques like Acronym and Association
● Working on emotions
● The relation between emotions and memory
No of beneficiaries – 50
Vesave School – Seminar on Managing Emotions & Anger
The students were taught how a trigger can convert a situation and lead you to anger. They were helped to recognize the situations where they are not thinking logically and corrected them. Along with this, many activities and techniques were included to help them understand in a fruitful way.
● Understanding basic emotions
● The underlying emotion of anger
● Triggers & managing it
● Thought and Emotion Management
No of beneficiaries – 50
Juhu Gandhigram School – Seminar on Managing Emotions & Anger
The students were taught how a trigger can convert a situation and lead you to anger. They were helped to recognize the situations where they are not thinking logically and corrected them. Along with this, many activities and techniques were included to help them understand in a fruitful way.
The topics covered:
● Understanding basic emotions
● The underlying emotion of anger
● Triggers & managing it
● Thought and Emotion Management
No of beneficiaries – 50

Wilson Financial Services – Mindfulness-Based Communication
Objectives of the workshop:
● Understanding what is Mindfulness
● Exploring the benefits of Mindfulness
● Learning Mindfulness Techniques
● Understanding the relationship between Mindfulness and Effective Communication
● Effective Communication using Success Principles
No of beneficiaries – 50
Inhouse Workshops
Workshop on Goal Setting
A workshop that focuses not just on helping you set your goals and create a plan of action systematically but also on empowering you to overcome different hindrances that come in the way of achieving these goals.
As humans, whatever we do, we do it with an objective to achieve an outcome. This outcome could be something material, or emotional or it could just be a state of mind that we may or may not be aware of. Yet most of us continue to struggle due to our inability to achieve these outcomes.
Common reasons for not being able to achieve the outcomes:
● Lack of direction
● Having goals that are vague and not sensory specific
● Unrealistic Goals
● Generic or vague plan of action
● Lack of Consistent actions
● Inability to deal with thoughts and emotions that are leading to procrastination
● Fear of failure and fear of success
● Feeling of helplessness due to lack of resources, skills or clarity

No of beneficiaries – 30
A workshop focuses on helping the participants to s their goals & create a plan of action systematically & also empowered them to overcome different hindrances that come in the way of achieving their goals.
● Creating clearly defined outcomes that are sensory-specific, ecological, and motivating
● Having a clearly defined and actionable plan of action
● Identifying specific thoughts and emotions that are acting as hindrances
● Learning processes to change these thoughts and emotions
● Identifying other strategies that can help with behavioral modifications
● Having a goal buddy for ongoing support, motivation, and inspiration
● And a lot more…
No of beneficiaries – 50
This workshop offers participants knowledge and skills to talk and listen to others with empathy and compassion, to understand emotions in themselves and others, to deal with conflict and differences in ways that strengthen — rather than destroy — relationships, and much more. It will take you on an incredible personal journey of self-discovery and learning that will enable you to truly connect with the most important people in your life — including spouses, children, friends, and even co-workers.
This workshop gives you very specific tools & lasting strategies that will forever transform how you & your partner relate to each other.
Meaningful ‘Relating’ to any relationship can bring a huge shift in our lives. A man is a social animal. Living, in a society, makes it mandatory for us, to relate all the time, to each and all around us. Our objective via this workshop is to make relationships in your personal, professional, social, or any sector of your life work for you. Love is what makes the world go round, and relating can be lovely if understood.
No of beneficiaries – 40

A 2-hour talk which we conduct for supporting and guiding people with insights about the topic and how it can be achieved. The talks include activities to help the participants learn in a way that is effective.
The details of the different talks which are conducted are given below:
Talk on Mindfulness
The talk was delivered by Ms. Janhavi Kelaskar on 5th April 2019 at ICHARS Centre (Mumbai- Andheri). Janhavi is a clinical psychologist who currently works as a therapist and trainer with the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences, Mumbai. She holds great interest in helping her clients understand the core of themselves. And what’s the best way to know your core? Mindfulness!
No of beneficiaries – 50
Talk on Fear of Failure
Beyond failures was a talk delivered by speaker Isha Sawant who is a psychotherapist and life coach at the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences. The talk was delivered on 12th April 2019 at our ICHARS center.
● Introducing participants to certain strategies that would help them to overcome the fear of Failure.
● Helping them to unlock their hidden potential once they have dealt successfully with the fear
● Overcoming reluctance to try new things
● Overcoming low self-esteem and low confidence
● Learning how to effectively reach goals
● Learning how to effectively deal with future obstacles
No of beneficiaries – 50
Talk on Stress Management
Stress management was a talk delivered by speaker Rimika Chawla who is a therapist and life coach at the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences. The talk was delivered on the 19th of April 2019 at our ICHARS center.
In this hustle and bustle of life, stress is often used as a layman’s term, many have it, many talks about it, but recognizing and dealing with it becomes a task everyone runs from. This 2-hour talk had strategies to help you manage your stress.
● To tell the participants what exactly is stress.
● Emphasis on daily stress, which often takes a toll on well being.
● How to look at stressors from a different perspective.
● Recognizing what stress actually is.
● Dealing with stress.
● How to look at stress differently.
No of beneficiaries – 50
Talk on Expanding Comfort Zone
The talk on How to Expand Your Comfort Zone was delivered by Miss Devanshi Thakkar, Psychologist, Hypnotherapist and Life Coach at ICHARS. The talk was delivered on 26th April 2019. This talk was conducted in collaboration with ICHARS Support Foundation.
Objective :
● Learn to identify your comfort zone.
● What are the triggers that create an urge in us to move out of our comfort zone.
● Understand Why Comfort Zone is not always bad
● Learning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable
● Learn techniques that will help you to expand your existing comfort zone.
No of beneficiaries – 50
Talk on Relationship Management
The talk was delivered by Ms. Pranjul Somani on 3rd May 2019 at ICHARS Centre (Mumbai- Andheri). Pranjul is a therapist and trainer with the Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Related Sciences, Mumbai. She aims to facilitate others to attain balance and harmony between mind, body, & soul.
● Learn the secrets of true, lasting, fulfilling love relationships
● Understand how the unconscious mind drives our relationships
● Learn how happiness and other emotions affect relationships
● Learn powerful communication techniques that are the secret to safe, successful and fulfilling relationships.
No of beneficiaries – 50
Talk on Emotional Management
The talk on ‘Emotional Management’ was delivered by Ms. Janhavi Kelaskar, Psychotherapist and Trainer with Institute Of Clinical Hypnosis And Related Sciences, Mumbai. The reason behind arranging a talk specifically about “Managing Emotions” knowing the fact that it is a need of the hour.
The following were the objectives that the trainer kept in her mind while delivering the talk.
● Awareness of Emotions
● Understand what are emotions
● Understand how to manage emotions
● Learn ways to express emotions
No of beneficiaries – 50